Season 5 continues. By this point, I was watching the show in real time as it aired, so my reactions were more spaced out.
Season 5 Part 2:
I wonder when OUAT will give us their take on the 3 pigs? I don't
remember them mentioned except in passing. And while Ruby is a werewolf,
we haven't seen this wolf yet.
Does everyone in OUAT have daddy issues? It seems to be the go to trope for the writers. Maybe THEY all have daddy issues.
and Rumple are back! Yay! What a sweet and touching reunion, just as I
predicted. It's good to see Rumple's character moving forward and -
About the only good thing about the OUAT Winter Finale: we'll get to meet Hades soon. The sass levels should be amazing.
Greg Germann will be OUAT Hades? Yes, I think he will have sufficient
sass. Good casting. (Unlike Merlin, where they royally effed it up.)