Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Steampunk Psychology

Back in early 2013, I came up with the idea for using Victorian era psychology as a basis for steampunk game mechanics. The idea made it all the way to a 100-page formatted manuscript before it was rebuffed by the intended publishers. Among the critiques, that it "didn't feel like steampunk" and "it was too out there."

Turns out I was beaten to this concept by Felix Gilman, author of "The Half-Made World." The main protagonist of his 2010 steampunk novel? A psychologist. On one hand, I'm disappointed (though not surprised) that another writer thought of this first. On the other hand, I am elated to discover that my concept really does have strong merit, to the point where a very excellent piece of steampunk fiction employs it as a central piece. He also goes in a different direction than I did, so I'm not ripping him off.

Winning an argument, even 4 years later, is satisfying.

(For the record, my work on steampunk psychology is currently being polished for release by another game company. I never let a good idea die, even if I have to go elsewhere to find people smart enough to see the value.)

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