Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Printing Steampunk

A convention panel idea for anyone who wants to run with it: "3D Printing and Steampunk."

3D printers are now priced at the consumer level, making them readily available to everyone who can afford a PC. Since steampunk is something of an affluent hobby, its participants are more than able to purchase such a device for their personal use.

Some discussion questions you can touch on:
  1. What are the implications of being able to produce all sorts of fancy doodads and decorations with a 3D printer for something as accessory intensive as steampunk designs?
  2. Given steampunk's focus on hand-crafting, what do you expect to see as the adoption rate within the community?
  3. What kind of support community might grow around this use? 
  4. What special kinds of plastic spools might be developed for steampunk use?
  5. Will this influence steampunk's appeal to the general populace?
  6. How might 3D printing splinter the steampunk scene? What will be reactions for and against?
I can see this being a good fit at a science fiction, steampunk, or general fandom convention.

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